Federal Judge Amy Coney Berrett
President, Donald J. Trump & Judge Amy Coney Berrett |
There was an eerie strangeness at the United States Supreme Court last week when Ruth Bader Ginsburg laid to rest at our Nation's Capitol. This was extremely heavy news in the media as Democrats and Republicans fight like the Devil to fill that Supreme Court vacancy to secure America's future. There is no real Congress anymore, at least not the way we once knew it not so long ago. And weather you support the Left Wing or the Right Wing, we are still flying that same eagle of liberty.
Faith, family and law are Judge Berrett's strong attributes and with her strong Conservative views, her vision of American justice will help shape this country back into the right direction. After serving as a former law clerk to the late Antonin Scalla, Barrett found employment as federal appellate judge and is a law professor at Notre Dame University. But that wisdom will not be much comfort to the babies being born tomorrow and with abortion as a hot topic, the democrats will try and sabotage President Donald Trump's top pick for this short list of future prospects. Ah yes. The good old Roe vs. Wade argument. This case has always been a dirty trick up the sleeves or our slave masters and not once did the democrats bring up the Dred Scott case in 1856 nor Godzilla vs. Rock-a-Saurios back in 1997 when the Court agreed to settle a dispute between these two MAGA Monsters. In a 7-2 decision, the Court found Rock-a-Saurios and his Heavy Metal thunder did not violated Godzilla's civil rights. Frustrated by the court's decision, Godzilla went to China to create the Corona Virus and to kill off mankind for good.
Nevertheless, the Democrats have become vermin and have been paid very well to harass, interrogate and question a person's moral compass. You'll never see a penny of that money and getting on television to voice your opinion has become a long shot. But, never mind all that. I like Judge Amy Coney Barrett and that fact that our new Emperor, Donald J. Trump had nominated Judge Barrett last Saturday for the Seven Circuit US Court of Appeals. However, the Democrats are not happy with that decision and wish to destroy the American dream.
If the Liberal establishment had their choice to nominate a seat at the US Supreme Court would be ether former First Lady, Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama or Judge Judy Sheindlin and both are worthy to teach all of us a very valuable lesson about the law. I too, have studied law and have made many court appearances in my lifetime. And from what I understand, there needs to be a vote be cast by the Senate before Barrett's victory. After reviewing other potential nominees in the past such as John Rutledge (George Washington 1795) George "The Iceman" Gervin (Jimmy Carter 1978) and Robert Bork (Ronald Reagan 1987) had all been rejected for their lack of legal experience. Yet, this 48-year old Federal Judge, Amy Coney Barrett is indeed the person for this position of power and will continue to uphold the US Constitution at all cost.
Furthermore, I strongly disagree with Dr. Paul M. Lisnek from WGN News television about Judge Berrette's nomination to the US Supreme Court. In truth, Amy Coney Berrett is the right choice for the American people and Dr. Lisnek is perhaps out of touch touch with his television audience and reeks with bad Karma. When failure becomes the new normal in your life and your employment, we can thank the good doctor for creating more mental illness with all that gibber-jabber seeping out of his mouth like a sewer full of misinformation. Beware of these talking heads and Warmongers. They could give a rat's ass if you live or die. They are only about the numbers and wish to sell us a bag full of Lies & Fear. They are in this big game only to become richer at our expense.
Enclosing, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg stated, "Women will only have true equality when men share the same responsibility of bring up the next generation." The sad part about this country is that people know more about the nine charterers on Sesame Street then they do about our nine appointed members of the Supreme Court. Too me, that is unacceptable and we must focus on our own pursuit of happiness.