Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Bill Cosby Heads To Supreme Court

Being fleeced, humiliated and sentenced 3 to 10 years in prison, America's dad is heading to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court for a new trial. That's right folks, Bill Cosby the creator of Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids, is paying a team of lawyers to fight for a Standard of Reviews. Proof and lack of evidence will be the focal point in tomorrow's trial as Cosby was charged back in 2004 for drugging and allegedly sexual attacking five women. Bad acts and controversial action will be decided by the jury as Judge O'Neal listens to both arguments in this predatoraly behavior by Cosby. 

However, in the Kingdom of Film & Television, white devils with blue eyes control this industry. They would never allow Cosby to bid for NBC and get that peacock to fly again. When Cosby wanted to purchase the mega network from General Electric; folks laughed and clowned on him like some joke, but that never brought him down.  The deal was worth 6.3 billion dollars and those jekylls over at G.E. was not going to sell their business to a black man. No Sir, not I Spy, not Fat Albert and never an African American. Not in this country full of smoke and mirrors.  

Anyway, the Supreme Court has 90 days to make a diction and from the looks of this case, Cosby will not be getting out anytime soon. In fact, he will not even be attending court as he awaits for the jury to make the call. Being alone with some little blue pills and some Wild Turkey and watching the Electric Company is not a good idea at Cosby's crib and keep in mind that no one is safe. If they have dirt on you, be planed to get burred alive. Bob Seger said it best in his Shakedown lyrics, "It's okay won't you shine, but once you step across that line no matter where you hide, I am coming after you." And he's right. The moral of the story is clear as an empty wine glass for the world to witness...Except for those rotten bastards over at NBC that would entertain some kind of race war. Keep in mind that the media is just a pack of wild dogs ready to devour anyone for a good story.