Tuesday, September 8, 2020

COVID-19 & Suicidal Outbreak In America.


Most Americans have been overwhelmed by the Corona virus this year and have abandoned all hope for a better tomorrow.  There is absolutely no end to this suffering as scientist race to find a cure battling this invisible  enemy.  However, cells are not invisible and can be broken down into six stages of development. For example, we have the Interphase (Nucleus, Chromatin and Cell wall) the Prophase (chromosomes, Cytoplasm and Cell wall) and during the third stage of the Metaphase, the cell begins to act wild using its spindle fibers to create a metamorphosis. The Anaphase, Telophase and daughter cells continue this pattern for fifty human years on Earth as the human cells slowly die.

Are you with me so far? Good. Because this article is about death and how the American Dream was robbed from the middle class, working poor. Our nation is in the worst condition I can recall in this lifetime. Small business owners, schools and churches had been closed for months as the folks in Flint, Michigan and University Park, Illinois are forced to drink lead inside their water systems. The Media is dead with no followup on the water crisis as journalist focus on Tic Toc bullshit and hate groups such as Black Lives Matter.

Another hate group is the Corona virus that uses its Spike proteins that embed into healthy cells and is an RNA trouble maker. That means the Corona virus is a smaller with no proofreading mechanism for mutation and can hijack a cell within no time. There are 100's of Corona virus. However, there are only seven Covid-19 viruses that can effect the human anatomy as it enter the noise, throat and lungs. At the time of this report, there are 6.33 million reported cases of Covid-19 in the United States and 189 thousand reported deaths. But what about the homeless and undocumented citizens that have died? The Media could care less about those folks, yet the establishment was letting out convicted  felons in our prison system and locking away grandma for going to Church. I am outrage with this and how We The People have been treated like mindless children and I am running out of hope.

Nevertheless, suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States and contributes 69 Billion dollars in work loss and medical cost. Just think, over 950,000 years of potential life had been lost to suicide before 65 years of age. On average 132 Americans die by suicide each day and not one word from the Media. Yet, on this day, three people perished from Covid-19 and all the news networks were eager to use fear suggesting that you can be next if you don't wear a mask.. I am embarrassed to be part of nation full of sheep and that concludes my report for the year of our Lord 2020. 




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