Sunday, May 30, 2021

Facebook, The Communist Community

Mark Zuckerberg is like an American vampire that cast no shadow, yet his shadow rules all over our social network. Folks have been trying to reach me via Facebook regarding more Wuhan friut bats in heat and flying back to the United States. I can not confrim nor deny anything about the Wuhan laboratory, but what I can say is that I've been in Facebook Jail again for another seven days without a fair trial. In a free society we have what is know as Due Process that states...."No State (Community) Shall Make or Enforce Any Law Which Shall Abridge The Privileges or Immunities of Citizens of The United States." And in this country an Outlaw Journilist such as myself should go to court and see the judge. However, my last post about an Angry Orange Man and buring down cities did not follow Facebook community standards and I was sent up river. Ken Kope, Mike Dove and Eddie Bak are always being put in Facebook Jail for expressing their opinons. Soon our Divider-in-Chief, Joe Biden would like to see everyone in real prison to get free labor out of the poor. There is no public danger talking shit on Facebook and removing our Liberty for a punchline has become a way of tyranny in this counrty. I was placed in jail for posting "Kill the Head and the Body Will Die" and again with no trail, I was forced to go back to the Hole. This may sound funny today, but what if our governmant could really lock us up and place us in some tyep of living hell without a fair trial? This is not good and we need to wake up before it's too late. We have four clowns in office and they want to give away the whole circus and with Zuckerberg controlling free speech, this country is doomed. Since all this nonsense began, I went from 1200 readers a post to only 21 viewers reading The Bad Americans. The world of Facebook clout is comming to an soon and Zuckerberg's team of egg heads will be dropping the "Like" button in the near future. "We are removing likes and focusing on followers,explained Mashable publication in a press relese. The new update will be rolled out officially to all the Facebook pages in the coming months. Facebook was spotted testing a new design for pages last year in July which included removing the ‘like button’ to give a cleaner design for pages. I say, "Fuck all that!" and will soon leave this Facebook Prison and try not drink the Kool-Aid this time. Hell, being locked up inside your cell phone device is unhealthy anyway, and no one cares about your Adult Beverage that you post on the weekends. What we should care about is giving our freedom away to bunch of wild whore-beast ready to strip us of our God-given-Rights!

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