Thursday, March 8, 2012

How to Find a Job and Keep It!

As a job-seeker, one must put themselves into a unique selling postion. Pitching your work skills and  educational background is key in this cut-throat market. Having a solid resume with  3 to 10 year job history and communicating your stong points should be thought out carefully before sending it to job prospects.  Spelling, punctuation, and styling layout should be proofread  by a family member or someone you know that has half a brain. A good resume will be straight forward, clearly persented on a clean sheet of paper and  should include a list of folks that will give you a desirable recommendation. Teachers, college professors and former employers will gladly write a letter if you ask them to.

Here are five tips for landing a successful job this year.

1.  Ask friends and relatives if they know of any job openings.

2. Local newspapers such as The Reader and Job Finder.

3. State Employment services are free of charge. However, register in person before 9:30 am (that's when the lines are forming and people keep piling inside the facility.)

4. Craigslist. There are 1000's of jobs listed. Get a phone number and set-up an interview.

5. The Yellow Pages. Look under headings associated with your profession or job intrest.  Restaurants, hotels and hundreds of other businesses are listed and are always hiring.

Skills and hobbies could turn into some extra income without a four year college degree.  Working on fast powerful engines could earn you up to $900.00 a week if you have the right training. 
China is now in it's economic crisis and the jobs are coming back to the United States. If you knock on enough doors, one will open and make you gainfully employed once again.

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