Fabricating The Apocalyptic Army of Iron Maiden.
Millions of fans across the globe will testify that Iron Maiden is one of the greatest live bands of all time. Superior lyrics, galloping guitar riffs and excellent stage presence has given them that hard edge appeal for well over 30 years. Formed on Christmas Day in 1975 by bassist Steve Harris, he left his previous group, Smiler and assembled a weapon of Metal destruction more powerful then one thousand FV-101 British Scorpion tanks combined. Harris had been influenced by novelist Alexandre Dumas, author of The Man in The Iron Mask, which had a verbal connection to the mid-evil torture device and "the name" Iron Maiden was created. The British heavy metal band also incorporated their famous mascot, "Eddie" from the brilliant mind of Derick Riggs thus producing thirty-six albums and selling over 85 million records world wide.
So, what has this got to with America, you ask? The unemployment rate in the United States has remained unchanged, and is close to 8.0%, as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. And with the blue collar working class struggling to make ends meet, folks just do not have $150.00 of happy money laying around just to purchase an Iron Maiden concert ticket these days. In fact, more and more fans are supporting their local cover bands and enjoying a nice evening listing to the next best thing for a third the cost with beer money to spare.

From the golden coast of California with The Iron Maidens to the salty Atlantic shores featuring Maiden New York, Iron Maiden tribute bands have infiltrated our great nation and are battling the war on poverty. Cover charges are less than twenty bucks, and Maiden fans have less travel time to see the show at their local pub. Furthermore, one might drive to the foothills of Maiden, North Carolina that is nestled away in small southern town to cure that fever for more cow bell.
Maiden Chicago had embarked on a long and prosperous journey after auditioning lead frontman Bill Swanson in late February of 2011. Beginning as the lead singer for a B-52's cover band that later, transformed into Revelations, knew what Metal fans wanted. During my interview back in 1999, Swanson stated, " Devo didn't work out and nobody came to that show. So, we figured Iron Maiden was where it was at." He relaxed with what may have been an adult beverage and talked casually about the changing times and finding the right men for the job.
Revelations soon dissolved after four years of local clubbing and like most groups, they are here today, and gone next week. Eric Babcock (lead guitarist) had set a new foundation for Maiden Chicago. Gathering the right soldiers and later joining forces with former bassist of Revelations, Gary Ingram. Eric had co-founded this project and recruited some new members back in September, 2010. After building a dynamic website for their fan base and playing out for two years, it was time for something more challenging both musically and professionally. "We left on good terms and Eric is now performing with Damage Justice, explaines Ingram. The band owes Eric a lot of credit for his contributions. He's the real deal, the whole nine yards and we thank him for that. Al Contreras (lead guitar) was in the Metal Years and Powerslave and it seemed like a good fit, we knew that he was ready to make a commitment with Maiden Chicago." Other members include, Bill Swanson ( lead vocals), Ralph Circelli (lead guitar) and drummer, Dan Driskill.

The music of Iron Maiden has always been a matter of Energy to me, a question of Fuel. Sentimental people call it inspiration, but what they really mean is Fuel. I have always needed Fuel. I am a serious consumer. On some nights I still believe that a 1997 Freightliner is indeed a modern day Powerslave. The rich live in chains of Gold and the rest of us live in chains of Iron. Give me Maiden or give me Death!