Thursday, August 26, 2021

Ladies Who Lunch & Genetic Cosmetics

                            Succeeding At Top And Making The Mark

Ladies Who Lunch: Candice Kuhnen, Dr. Andi Pearson, Bre'Ann Smith Julie T. Clark & Hanna Hackman

If a single moment can spark a revelation, just imagine what seven small business owners can do during a lunch break? As we explore the great women of the past such as Olympian runner Zola Budd that shattered a 5,000 Meter World Record running barefoot.  And Geraldine Ferraro that paved the way for women in politics. Walter Modale selected Ferraro as his running mate to become the first woman Vice President of the United States. However, The Democrats lost that election to Ronald Reagan and time had marched into the future. 

The time has come to examine some more great women like Candice Kuhnen (A.B.C. Communcations), Bre'Ana Smith (Genetic Cosmetics), Meily Romos (Amatitlan Restaurante), Hanna Hackman (Florals & Foam) and Dr. Andi Person over at Essentially Pure Dentistry located in Northbrook, Illinois. However, let's not forget about Julie Trotter Clark whom is in the jewelry business with major connections in the gold and other mining industries.

Remember folks, she who owns the gold can make all the rules. And today we celebrating Bre'Ann Smith who is making her own rules and running her own company located at 4587 North Elston Avenue in Chicago, Illinois. Specializing in Skin care products and cosmetic chemistry. She has a brilliant mind with gift of science to accommodate the need of the consumer that is need of a Pretty Kitty, V steam or just a simple lip treatment in this 1,000 foot square work space that began in May of 2001. Ladies Who Lunch was invited by Bre'Ana Smith over to break some bread and share business ideas together. 

The lunch was delicious, and spearheading this meeting of the minds is no other than, Candice Kuhnen with A.B.C. Communications. She is our team leader and invited over 50 people to this grand opening event at Genetic Cosmetics and only a few friends above showed up support and welcome Smith to The Ladies Who Lunch Club, and that is what makes them all great.  From an engineering standpoint and fire codes from the city,  perhaps 50 guest would have been a bad idea after all. The Ladies Who Lunch would also like to congratulate Hanna Hackman on her future wedding that is coming up very soon. Rumors are brewing around October but we'll need to double verifie that information and we'll keep you posted.   

The atmosphere was warm and everyone here is all about helping and preserving our fragile environment. In fact, Hanna Heckman from Florals & Foam receives all her beautiful roses from Ecuador and some claim that they are the best in the world. With that in mind, the money Heckman gets from her business is helping a small community to survive and everybody wins. Next, is Dr. Person and her groovy Ocean Junk Floor. Yes! You heard that right, and I am about to explain. Imagine Marine debris scooped up from the ocean floor, adding epoxy and transferring this mineral to your business's floor? Now you got the picture. But before you frown, let's turn it upside down by suggesting to head over to Dr. Person's website and take an office tour to see for yourself. It's simply spectacular!    

As we said our goodbyes, each one of our new friends received a maroon goody bag filled with face cream, eye pads and so much more!  Back in the day women were just happy with P.T.A. and Girl Scout meetings and being just a housewife. Today, they have become strong leaders and making a significant impact in so many lives and The Ladies Who Lunch welcomes each and everyone of them with open arms. 




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