Saturday, October 24, 2020

Love, War & Insomnia

The blood sport of politics has plagued our minds with fear and hatred toward each other since our last general election held on November 8th 2016.  I've been up for 26 hours with no sleep full of worry about our nation and how much damage has been done with this CV-19 Hoax. The Corona virus is real, don't get me wrong. However, even the Day traders in Portland can smell the foul stench from these Whore-beast that dictate our lives and now I can't fucking sleep over this nonsense. 
My mind is a bit fuzzy with sharp details and nothing good has ever happen to me during the month of November. This month has always brought horrible grief and I know in my heart that next year will be no different as my friends and family continue to humiliate me behind my back, laughing like a pack of wild Hyenas. But never mind all that. There's work to be done! 

Facebook as robbed us of our freedom of speech, and placed many of in some kind of Face Book jail without a fair trial or due possess from the court. Everyone is guilty on this social network and some have done 30 day bits just for expressing the truth. I have no examples at the moment, because my brain is mush right now.  Perhaps I have blocked these events from my memory, but in truth I am romantic by nature and that may creep some of you out just a little. Romance is dead in this country and finding true love was yesterday's dream. 

Enclosing, my eyes are getting heavy and as the Sun is trying fight the clouds at the moment and it's time to put these story to rest. The Great Ozzy Osborne once say, "We should learn how to love and forget how to hate." As for myself, it's victory or death in this crazy world of Doom. That's all I have for now, and I am going to curl up into a big ball and go to sleep. Until then, I remain The Evil Genius. 


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