Wednesday, September 30, 2020

The Presidential Debate 2020

 Donald J. Trump vs Joe Biden 

Photo Stolen From: Nicki Marie by The Evil Genius on FakeBook. 

                    The new dumb has finally arrived, and many Americans were deeply engrossed by the spectacle they witnessed  last night on Live television. Both Donald J. Trump and Joe Biden are dangerously stupid men filled with dark vices and evil dreams of control. Chris Wallace was the moderator for this runaway fright train, blazing with fire and dynamite with no breaks. Beyond the desire to cripple our economy, Presidential Trump and Joe Biden looked like two little children fighting over their favorite toy as they both bickered over Gun Control, Police Reform and Four Trillion Dollars in New Taxes. 

                    Hell, I am full of political opinions today and these two Bozos have stolen the Circus. They are both crazy with greed, trying to steal The White House.  These men should be put on trial for treason for what they have done to this country and shot in face on the West Wing lawn by a firing squad. But that is just another wet dream and that kind of talk will have people asking questions.One question was ending the Filibusterer, and Sleepy Joe just recommend everyone should  to get out there and vote, with no logical answer and dodging the question.  President Donald Trump's response  was '47 years in office and you got nothing Joe.' 

                    When the COVID-19 question; and trust issues had been mentioned, again Biden had nothing regarding testing. Yet,  over 200,000 people that have died from this deadly virus. 40,000 people a day contracts COVID-19" explained Biden. Afterward, Sleepy Joe started finger pointing with a do nothing answer to our world health crisis. President Donald Trump suggested that millions of Americans would have died if Biden was in office and again nothing was resolved. 

                    And so much for that, eh? I missed the the old boring debates when Bernard Shaw moderated the 1988 Presidential debates with George H. Bush and Michael Dukais. Shaw smoked that fool, Dukais with the death penalty question. That was great journalism back then and I was impressed with Mr. Shaw and that was the day I want to become a journalist. Only to have the authority to ask questions to our world leaders. But that's all changed now, as only five media giants control our source of information. I take no pleasure in bring the bad news to the digital age and long list of losers will continue to plague our society with this adolescent behavior as grown-ass men fighting for their own ego to become great. As Mairo Puzo once said, " Great men are not born, they grow great." These are not great men, they are like dog shit, ready to dry up and blow away.